Join us for the PVX Plus Technical Conference at the Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto, Monday September 30th to Wednesday October 2nd 2024. This event provides three days of sessions and networking that you can’t afford to miss!

This is a great opportunity to see the last five years of progress. Learn practical tips and best practices from your longtime PxPlus experts about the tools you need to help you excel at your job. Identify improvements to help simplify your development efforts.

Register now at Registration for DireXions+ 2024 Conference at Westin Harbour Castle (

Event Timing: Monday September 30th to Wednesday October 2nd
Event Address: 1 Harbour Square, Toronto ON M5J 1A6
Contact us at:


Monday September 30 Tuesday October 1 Wednesday October 2
Stream 1 Stream 2 Stream 1
8:30 What's New in PxPlus 2020 - 2024

Presenter: Len
PxPlus on the Web

Browser - iNomads, Webster, other Web

How to use Webster and FM Generator, converting from a Windows app, using Nomads, non-nomads screens, reports. Build page using HTML editor

In addition to a Windows app, import a Database with link or prefix files

Introduction - 1hr
Presenter: Devon

Windows to Webster How to - 1.5 hrs
Presenters: Susan, Len
10:00 Security

We will give an overview of SSL/TLS security, two factor authentication and OAuth 2.0 covering both what these are and how they are used in PxPlus.

Presenter: Devon

What's new in IDE, Toolkit, and Nomads - 2020 - 2024

Changes to the IDE, project functionality, NOMADS designers and other utilities.

Presenter: Susan


Working with External Tools

We will discuss the new Visual Studio Code plugin, the Google Workspace objects, working with web services, and will cover the PayPal and Salesforce examples that can be used to learn or build from.

Presenter: Devon

Nomads Query and Report Writer Enhancements

We will present new features and options added to the NOMADS Query System and the PvxPlus Report Writer.

Presenter: Jane

11:30 Road Map Discussion

Presenter: Len
12:00 Lunch Lunch Closing Remarks and Lunch
1:30 Registration Open

Application Look and Feel

Themes and Visual Classes, Properties, Options
dark / light mode

Presenter: Len

3:00 Welcome Reception File Maintenance Generator

Review of enhancements added to the File Maintenance Generator, including panel regeneration and Webster+ functionality.

Presenter: Susan
CPP and Support

Learn about our enhanced CCP program and new support structure.

Presenter: Ryan
4:00 Kick-off Presentation Working with External Databases

We will cover PxPlus external database support ([xxx] interfaces, prefix file, link files, import/export tools) and how to migrate from native files to an external database with no code changes.

Presenter: Devon
Building the PxPlus community - Training, tutorials, knowledge center

Building the PxPlus community - Build stronger connections with other developers and leverage new training and tutorial tools

Presenter: Ryan
5:30 Networking Icebreaker
6:30 Dinner and Networking Toronto Harbour Dinner Cruise